Sunday, 18 January 2009

General Health Tips
How much water should I Drink each day?

As my promise on yesterday post. Here is the answer...
How much water should you drink each and every day is a question many people don't have a clue to. You have properly heard the phrase "eight 8 ounces a day", this is the number most individuals recognize and aspire to for their daily water intake. But your water need depends on many factors

As a general rules, you should drink at least half your body weight in ounces under normal condition.
Here is some factor that would require you to increase water intakes:

1. Environment

Individuals in warmer climates should drink more water to compensate for liquid lost through perspiration. Individuals who live at high altitudes may also need to drink more water, as the lack of oxygen in the air prompts more rapid breathing and a greater loss of moisture during respiration. Higher altitude can cause you to urinate more than usual. Conditioned air can also be dry also.

2. Gender
In general, doctors are now recommending that a healthy adult man should drink approximately 13 cups of water per day and a healthy adult woman should drink approximately nine cups per day. Women who are expecting or nursing need more water to stay hydrated and to produce milk.

3. Caffeinated beverages
Coffee, tea, soft drink or alcoholic beverages actually dehydrated the body, using more water to process than they provide. Pure water is the best!

Tomorrow I will give you 3 more factors that affect your need of water. Before I end this article, here is...

Other sources of water

Although it's a great idea to keep water within reach at all times, you don't need to rely only on what you drink to satisfy your fluid needs. What you eat also provides a significant portion of your fluid needs.
For example, many fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon and tomatoes, are 90 percent to 100 percent water by weight. Beverages such as milk and juice also are composed mostly of water.

Staying safely hydrated.

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